Hiring Process

Frequently asked questions about hiring

Hiring committees we should ideally be made up of a minimum of four individuals who are stakeholders in the position alongside the hiring manager.

IU provides question guides based on the type of open position. Interviews at IU follow the behavioral based interview proccess, which evaluates candidates' future success by asking how they've handled similar situations in the past.

Access to the behavioral-based interview questions is restricted to HR professionals who have been trained in the process. For training and access to the questions, please contact askhr@iu.edu.

Learn more about interview guides

IU provides question guides based on the type of open position. Guides include five behavioral interview questions, one from each of the core competencies.

Each core competency includes five sub-competencies and two potential questions to chose from for each.

Access to the behavioral-based interview questions is restricted to HR professionals who have been trained in the process. For training and access to the questions, please contact askhr@iu.edu.

Learn more about interview guides

Hiring students & part-time employees

Part-time postions at IU Bloomington for students and others are posted similarly to full-time roles. The application and interview process is slightly different, with more information available on the main HR site.

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