Reinstatement information by school
For students dismissed as IU Exploratory, Pre-Business, or Pre-Nursing. Students who are dismissed from their academic school and are exploring other programs may also apply for reinstatement as an IU Exploratory student.
Contact information
Meet with any AMES advisor to learn more about the process or contact AMES with any questions.
Fall return | Spring return | Summer return | |
Required meeting with College Student Success Team | June 1 | September 10 | February 10 |
Petition submission deadline | June 20 | October 1 | March 1 |
This reinstatement process is only for students already admitted to their Jacobs degree program, who are under dismissal, and who wish to petition to continue in Jacobs.
Students hoping to change to a Music major must follow the Exploratory Student Advising & Major Exploration Services reinstatement criteria.
Contact information
Reach out to the Jacobs Director of Undergraduate Studies at
Pre-Kelley students or students wishing to change to a Kelley major must follow the Exploratory Student Advising & Major Exploration Services reinstatement criteria.
To ensure timely enrollment for a student's returning semester, Returning Student Applications for Academic Unit Dismissal students must be completed by the following dates:
Summer return: October 1
Fall return: March 1
Spring return: October 1
Students under dismissal from Luddy must not enroll through IU Bloomington for one Fall or Spring semester.
Contact information
If you have questions about Luddy reinstatement, contact your Luddy academic advisor or email the SICE Undergraduate Office at
This reinstatement process is for students already admitted to their O'Neill degree program, who are under dismissal, and who wish to petition to continue in O'Neill.
Students wishing to change to O'Neill must follow the Advising & Major Exploration Services reinstatement criteria.
Contact information
If you have questions, contact O'Neill Academic Advising at
This reinstatement process is only for students already admitted to their Education degree program, who are under academic dismissal, and who wish to petition to continue in Education.
Students wishing to change to Education must follow the Exploratory Student Advising & Major Exploration Services reinstatement criteria.
Contact information
Students can email an Education advisor or School of Education Help at
This reinstatement information is only for students already admitted to the School of Nursing, who are under dismissal, and who wish to petition to continue in Nursing.
Students dismissed as Pre-Nursing or wishing to change to nursing must follow the Exploratory Student Advising & Major Exploration Services reinstatement criteria.
Students under their first academic dismissal from the School of Public Health must not be enrolled through IUB for one semester. Students under their second academic dismissal from Public Health must not be enrolled through IUB for one year.
This reinstatement process is for students already admitted to the School of Social Work, who are under dismissal, and who wish to petition to continue in Social Work. The dismissal and reinstatement policy can be found in the BSW Handbook | Indiana University School of Social Work. Students must apply for reinstatement no later than twelve months after receiving notification of dismissal.
Students wishing to change majors to Social Work must follow the Exploratory Student Advising & Major Exploration Services reinstatement criteria.
Contact information
If you have questions, please contact Bachelor of Social Work advising at