Undergraduate Research

Hands-on experience with any academic discipline

Research will be a key component of the undergraduate experience at IU Bloomington, with students being provided with advising, funding, and more in their quests for answers.

Here, where research is paramount, all are welcome to try their hand no matter their level of experience.

Expanding the options

Undergraduate research at IU Bloomington has drastically expanded over the past several years with more programs than ever available to students.

New additions include break work programs such as LSAMP and the STEM Summer Research Program. The Federal Work Study Research Assistant program provides hourly wages to students working on faculty-supervised research projects.

Decorative image.

Meet Wren

Lauren "Wren" Garcia, a triple-major in microbiology, chemistry, and philosophy, has participated in ASURE, Women in STEM, and the summer research program.

"If I weren’t a part of [Dr. Michael Manzella's] lab through ASURE, I highly doubt I would be pursuing research. His lab and mentorship truly changed my life."

Read Wren's story

Wren Garcia, a woman with glasses and long dark hair, standing in a grove of trees and looking up, toward the sky.
Student wearing a labcoat and smiling while working.

Get started right away with ASURE

Undergraduates at IU Bloomington don't need to wait to jump into research. The ASURE program provides freshmen dircectly admitted into the College of Arts & Sciences or those in the University Divison with a 2-3 semester course sequence.

Students will be able to synthesize molecules that “silence” bacteria, examine adaptations of Homer's Odyssey, or analyze data on language acquisition and development. All from the moment they arrive on campus.

Learn more about ASURE

A community for women pursuing STEM degrees

The Women in STEM Living-Learning Center provides a home and community for women pursuing degrees in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Residents are given access to a vast network of women working in STEM disciplines, embark on paid summer research experiences, work on career prep, and collaborate among themselves.

Explore the center

Two students wearing Indiana apparel while working in a creek bed.

Keep researching into the summer

STEM Summer Research Program

Aiming to increase STEM participation among less represented populations, the summer research program provides students with housing and a meal stipend to engage in small-group research on campus for an eight week period over the summer.

Learn more about the program

Advanced Summer Research Scholarships

Advanced students with their own projects are eligible to receive scholarship funds for research during the summer months. Awards are based on project time and commitment with an overall cap of $3,500.

Find funding